Regdrive offers a system strongly based on the proposals of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), providing an integrated structure for an efficient management of the institutions' internal controls.
Identify and register the risks inherent to your business. Evaluate the probability of the risk occurring and the impact on operations, under quantitative aspects, if the problem occurs. Be aware of the company's degree of exposure to the risks involved.
Record controls performed effectively to reduce or better manage identified risks. Classify controls as detective, preventative, automatic, or manual, organized as defined by COSO components and principles.
It is possible to register the different types of risks: market,
credit, liquidity, operational, legal, image, technological, etc. In addition, it is
possible to register different types of impact in order to allow a risk assessment
that considers scenarios from different perspectives.
Probability can also
be associated with different scenarios that can be defined and evaluated
individually. The system automatically calculates inherent risk when impact and
probability are defined.
It is possible to register controls to be considered in every risk assessment and specific controls for a single assessed risk. The system calculates the degree of control through the evaluations carried out. The residual risk is calculated automatically when the inherent risk and control assessment are defined. It is also possible to define directly without considering the detail in the risk definition.
The system allows recording of monitoring schedules and control tests. Action plans resulting from the results can also be related to the assessed risk.
The platform has several reports and graphs for evaluating the risks and controls recorded in the system. It is possible to structure the risk in order to assess risks consolidated by macro processes, processes and activities. It is also possible to monitor the evolution of results over time in order to measure the effectiveness of controls.
Complete system for implementing internal controls